Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wild Wednesday- Meet Tre

Happy Wild Wednesday! Please meet Tre (pronounced tray).  Tre is the 1st Jack Russell I have owned. He was my "getting out of the Navy" gift.

He was just too cute to eat!

He is a grump and not always the nicest dog in the world. If you really get to know him, he has a very sweet
heart and just wants to be loved.

He's a great DD!

 He loves to run and fetch tennis balls. He enjoys all kinds of food but doesn't eat bread! He howls when people whistle!

This sounds like one of the ads I would write for animals when I interned at an animal shelter! Tre is all mine going to live out his days with me! I have added a linky if you want to add your fun animal link! I would love to see them!


  1. Aw, sweet puppy! So cute!

  2. i love that first picture! so appropriate to show what a wild child he is!
