Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Living room in progress: Crappy curtains

We made some progress in the living room. I really trying hard not to have too much clutter and junk in the house. I usually like tables topped with tons of knick-knacks. I want our new house to much more serene and airy. We are going to get a new couch and bookcases this summer. 
Heres some pictures of the progress so far and some window covering drama!

So much wrong with this picture! I spray painted a plastic pvc pipe for a curtain rod, it was okay expect for how it bowed once it was up. This would work much better for a small window. 
I thought that white sheets would look great as curtains. The white didn't look good at all, Josh told me they wouldn't but he was sweet enough to let me try it. He was also handy and put up the rods for me and didn't laugh at the crappy curtains!

I hate buying curtains because they are usually overpriced and use cheap-o fabric. I found these faux suede curtains with the grommets at Walmart for cheaper than I could have made them. Much, much better than the white meth house curtains.


  1. I like the look of the grommet curtains. Very nice !! and crancking me up about the reference to the meth house curtains!

  2. The new curtains look great! I have a pair of curtains hanging on a rod that is sinking in the middle at this very minute and I need to get on it and get it fixed. :(

    Love the rock band drums in the corner....we fancy ourselves musicians now that we have rock band. ;)
